Impact Of Quality Courseware on Effective E-Learning


  • Saif M. Duhaim Middle Technical University
  • Zahraa H. Ghadhban Middle Technical University



Courseware, E-learning, Questionnaire, Success


Courseware is an effective and important teaching and learning model, and it is at the core of the process of creating e-learning. The objective of this paper is to show effect of quality courseware on effective e-learning. A quantitative research approach by questionnaire has been utilized. A total 90 participants have been surveyed with the use of the questionnaire. This study shows that quality courseware was the most significant positive factor and more import e learning success.


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How to Cite

Saif M. Duhaim, & Zahraa H. Ghadhban. (2025). Impact Of Quality Courseware on Effective E-Learning. Mars : Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Industri, Elektro Dan Ilmu Komputer, 3(1), 152–155.