Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menentukan Pemilihan Lokasi untuk Cabang Baru Toko Liv Beauty Cosmetic menggunakan Metode TOPSIS


  • David Dermawan STMIK Kaputama
  • Dita Mawarni STMIK Kaputama
  • Herdina Putri Ahmadi STMIK Kaputama
  • Indah Permata Sari STMIK Kaputama
  • Safrizal Safrizal Politeknik Gihon



Decision Support System, TOPSIS, Location


Toko Liv Beauty is one of the business players in the beauty sector that is developing in North Sumatra, specifically in the West Binjai sub-district, Binjai City. As a store that provides various beauty products, this research aims to assist Toko Liv Beauty in determining a strategic location for opening a new branch using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The TOPSIS method was chosen for its ability to analyze alternatives based on positive and negative ideal solutions objectively. A case study was conducted at three potential locations in Binjai: Binjai City, Binjai South, and Binjai North, considering five main criteria: population density, ease of transportation access, number of competitors, rental costs, and building area. The analysis process involves normalizing the decision matrix, calculating weighted values, identifying ideal solutions, and determining alternative preferences. The analysis results show that the location with the highest preference is Binjai North (1), followed by Binjai South (0.5885) and Binjai City (0). Thus, Binjai North is recommended as a strategic location for opening a new branch of Toko Liv Beauty. The implementation of the TOPSIS method in this research is expected to contribute to more effective data-driven decision-making for the business development of Toko Liv Beauty.


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How to Cite

David Dermawan, Dita Mawarni, Herdina Putri Ahmadi, Indah Permata Sari, & Safrizal Safrizal. (2025). Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Menentukan Pemilihan Lokasi untuk Cabang Baru Toko Liv Beauty Cosmetic menggunakan Metode TOPSIS. Uranus : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro, Sains Dan Informatika, 3(1), 56–69.

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