Sistem Pakar untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Tanaman Cabai Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining
Studi Kasus Pertanian Maju Berbasis Web di Kabupaten Ende
expert system, chili plants, forward chaining, web, plant disease, diagnosis, ende districtAbstract
Chilli farming is an important sector in Ende District, but plant disease problems are often an obstacle that hampers productivity. Farmers often have difficulty recognizing the symptoms of disease in chili plants and determining appropriate treatment steps. To overcome this problem, this research aims to design and build a web-based expert system that can help diagnose chili plant diseases using the Forward Chaining method. This expert system was developed by collecting knowledge from agricultural experts and literature related to chili plant diseases, as well as applying the Forward Chaining method for the reasoning process. Users, especially farmers, can enter the symptoms experienced by chili plants into the system, then the system will produce a disease diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations based on these symptoms. This research uses a case study at Maju Tani Agriculture in Ende District to ensure that the expert system developed is relevant to local conditions. This system is implemented in the form of a web-based application so that it can be accessed easily by farmers using devices connected to the internet. The test results show that this expert system can provide accurate and efficient diagnoses, as well as assist farmers in making decisions to overcome chili plant disease problems. It is hoped that this system can increase agricultural productivity and reduce the risk of losses due to plant diseases.
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